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Description: The Gino Lombardo show is a 30 episode semi-scripted podcast series, show your support by rocking one of the tees baybeeee. Gino.Gabrus.com if you wanna buy the physical media art by: Ian Cinco

Tags: anthony, comedy, comedybangbang, earwolf, gabrus

Description: One might think I'm just ripping off my favorite sports team for my new logo because the letters are similar (one would be correct) art by: Ian Cinco

Tags: comedy, football, giants, headgum, improv
LIRR Babylon Line T-Shirt

Description: Lynbrook, Rockville Centre, Baldwin, Freeport, Merrick, Bellmore, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa, Massapequa Park, Amityville, Copaigue, Lindenhurst, and Babylon! Finally all the trainstops from LIRR Babylon line on one shirt. If you listen to Gino on Comedy Bang Bang, you know why this shirt will make you the coolest kid in your hometown. Even if that hometown isn't in Nassau County design by Matt Braun

Tags: gabrus, gino, lirr, trains, babylon
High and Mighty Doggy Style T-Shirt

Description: This was an alternate logo for the High and Mighty podcast, it has all the things you love. I mean its a freakin dog smokin with sunglasses on, with a tacobell collar. How much cooler can you get? Design by Matt Braun

Tags: dogs, podcast, high and mighty, headgum, jongabrus
Party Barbarian T-Shirt

Description: Designed for the 420 show, now you can be TRULY high and mighty as the stony barbarian. Art by John F Malta

Tags: stoner, weed, caveman, highandmighty, podcast
Sickness for the Thickness T-Shirt

Description: I've got a sickness for the thickness, and there is no remedy. For those of us that are fans of all things thick. Wear a shirt that lets everyone know that you are suffering from on of the more fun sicknesses. design by Julia Chamberlain (@juliaxrenee jchamberlainarts.com) based on something that Jon Gabrus (@gabrus) is always yelling on a podcast or street corner.

Tags: butt, thicc, big, peach, thighs
High and Mighty Podcast T-Shirt

Description: This is the logo for Jon Gabrus' podcast. If you like the podcast buy the shirt. If you like the shirt buy the shirt. if you like the shirt download the podcast Design by Matt Braun

Tags: shitheads, gabrus, whatever, face, headbands
Gabrus The Giant T-Shirt

Description: Inspired by icon Andre the Giant gabrus loads up with four women. Chock full of easter eggs. Art by Caitlin Spille

Tags: andre the giant, boobs, ffffm, girls, ladies
Gabrus Sasquatch PNW Tour T-Shirt

Description: This shirt was made for Gabrus' High & Mighty PNW tour. Now you can show off his smooth butt in t-shirt form Art by Siobhan Gallagher

Tags: bigfoot, butt, high, highandmighty, marijuna
No. 2 FUCCboi T-Shirt

Description: Jon Gabrus host of High and Mighty calls himself the number 1 fuccboi, FUCCBOI, FUCCBOOIIII. And like highlanders there can be only one. So allow YOURSELF to be come the #2Fuccboi (great for girls too) design by Matt Braun

Tags: number one, gabrus, podcast, jongabrus, highandmighty
Power Hour T-Shirt

Description: High and Mighty (https://headgum.com/high-and-mighty) is a podcast hosted by Jon Gabrus (@gabrus). He frequently does power hours (60 shots of beer in 60 minutes). This shirt is in honor of that. design by Caitlin Spille (@caiteyded)

Tags: jongabrus, podcast, headgum, newyork, longisland

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